Making authentic chai is a labor of love thattakes time, precision and can be messy.
Real chai is multi layered and uses natural whole ingredients. Real chai is steeped in history and follows age-old techniques.
Great chai needs great ingredients
We take great care and pride in responsibly sourcing the bold teas and aromatic spices in our Chai Caps
We’re Tea Picky
The cool & humid climate at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas make Assam and Darjeeling two of the world’s best tea cultivating regions. They produce bold black teas, distinctly sweet with spicy undertones.
When I moved to the US from India, I was surprised to findchai (aka chai- latte) bore no resemblance to the chaiI grew up with. That’s why I created Chime, to share thepleasure of authentic chai with as many people as possible.
Gaurav Chawla
Founder, Chime

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